Micro Realism Shading with a 3-round Liner

July 1, 2024
A detailed tattoo of a muscular figure with an outstretched arm, surrounded by geometric shapes and planetary motifs, covering a person's upper arm.

Micro realism is a pretty niche skill to have as a tattoo artist. It's meticulous, intricate, and it takes a lot of practice. Whether you're an experienced artist or a newbie, these tips will help you nail the fundamental element of micro realism: smooth, light shading.


Let's shade with a three liner here.

We're gonna do pretty light shading. The secret to doing very smooth and light shades with a liner needle in general is what you see me doing right here.

Very, very consistent brushing in the same direction every time. Getting that consistent hand movement. And once you've practiced this movement for long enough, you'll see that it's gonna get easier and easier doing this.


A female tattoo artist focused on tattooing a client's side, with her long hair tied back and wearing black gloves.
A female tattoo artist focused on tattooing a client's side, with her long hair tied back and wearing black gloves.
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